A STM Simplicidade nas Contas - Starick, Contabilidade, Consultoria, contabilidade Consultiva, Contabilidade, contabilista

Estamos 100% comprometidos com o sucesso dos nossos clientes.

Nosso Serviço

BPO Financeiro

BPO é a abreviação de Business Process Outsourcing e em português significa a terceirização dos processos de um negócio.

Quando tratamos de BPO Financeiro estamos falando em delegar a um agente externo os processos ou alguns processos das atividades financeiras da empresa que antes eram realizados internamente.

As Vantagens

Saiba como vamos ajudar-te a alcançar o sucesso

Controlar cada centavo que entra e que sai

Cuidamos minuciosamente de cada entrada e saída para garantir o controle dos rendimentos despesas.

Prestar insigns que indiquem o crescimento

Fornecemos informações cruciais para orientar sua empresa no caminho do desenvolvimento financeiro.

Vamos te ajudar a lucrar mais

Estamos comprometidos em impulsionar os lucros.

STM Simplicidade nas Contas, BPO Financeiro, Contabilidade, contabilidade financeira,

Benefícios após implementar o BPO Financeiro


Foco no seu core business


Informações rápidas


Aumento de eficiência


Redução de gastos


Clareza e previsibilidade


Segurança financeira


Especialistas à sua disposição


Gestão de documentos

Nossa Oferta

Compromisso total com o sucesso dos clientes


Clientes ajudados a alcançar o sucesso.


Parceiros que crescem connosco.


Pessooas dedicadas a ajudar a sua empresa.


Taxa de satisfaçao dos nossos clientes.

Our Services

Services we offer to our clients

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

A hora de investir no sucesso da sua empresa é agora!

Preencha o formulário. Queremos entender as suas necessidades!

Somos uma equipa jovem e formada, especializada em Contabilidade Consultiva, Fiscalidade e Gestão Financeira.

© STM – Simplicidade nas Contas 2024. Todos direitos reservados.

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